Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Tuesday night is cute-guy-at-gym-night. And I'm all like:

"Oh haaaaaaaay, boyfraaaaaaaaaaand."

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Goals for 2011.

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." -Albert Einstein

That Bert... smart guy. Someone should give him a prize or recognition. Bake him a cake or somesing.

I decided that 2011, my 25th year of life, will be the BEST one ever. I also decided that when I'm all old and wrinkly, that these are the days that I'll remember and cherish the most. So, let's make the most of it.


1. Run a marathon. Sub-goal: Run a marathon under 4 hours.

2. Run 2000 miles. That's like 38.5 miles/week. Child's play.

3. Start a career, not just a job. Find something I love, like working with Cause and make it happen.

4. Save some money for a trip-- funds for Dublin Marathon? Barcelona Marathon 2012?

5. Strengthen relationships with those I care about-- family, friends, most especially God. Yeah, the Big Man.

6. Be a mentor. Volunteer more. Work with a youth group. Become more involved in The Falls Church. (Whoa, that's more like 4 goals. Whatevs, my blog, my rules.)

7. Run a sub 21 minute 5k. Current PR: 22:20.

See? It's good to have goals. Potential goal #8: Own an alligator purse? I think yes. Best goal ever. (However, may conflict with goal #4.)

Thursday, December 16, 2010



All questions on my mind right now as I prepare to go from work to gym. Per usual. Except today, YES TODAY, it snowed 3 inches.

Taking off my cute riding boots so I don't bust and look foolish. So, I'll just look like a dork instead. Actually, I think I'll risk it. Update later.

And while we're on my thoughts of the moment: Yes, nose whistles are sexy. I've been doing it allllllll day and I just.can't.keep.the.boys.AWAY.

Toot toot!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Toot! Toot!

Blogging is hard.

But life is good, so very, very good.

Since my last post, I have done quite a bit. I wish I could remember all of it. Oh wells.

I went home for Thanksgiving, which was by far the best Wedekind holiday ever. Thanksgiving is so great-- good food, good company, good weather, and all without the added pressure of hunting for the best presents for everyone.

I ran the Outback Half again this year with Jeremy. No IT Band issues... and I was the one pulling him through the course. Until the last .1 miles, where he kicked it into overdrive and sped off. Whatevs, you can have that win Kirch.

Don't lie, you love my shirt. And my ripped quads-- HEY-OH!

I came in around 1:54, I think. Which is fine, I just run that race for funsies. Plus it allows me to stuff my face with turkey and sweet potatoes. Nummy num nums!

It was a BLAST playing with Mary Buck Buck all weekend. She is the coolest baby EVER. Don't even try to argue with me on this, I will fight you. (And you will lose. The picture does not do my guns justice.)

I flew back to Reagan at 6AM and made it to work before 9. Then, after work, I babysat until midnight. After being awake since 4AM, I was dead. (Does it make sense that my voice is missing? I've been looking for it everywhere. She's gone.)

The week went by slowly. Woke up early on Saturday and drove to Rockville, MD for the Santa Shuffle 5k.

Yeah, it was a cool long sleeved tech shirt, which may have inspired me to drive so far out of the city to run a 5k. I love me some long sleeved tees.

I'm a rock star. Not only did I PR, but also in 30 degree weather in shorts and without gloves and a voice! I won my age group (my last race as a 20-24... sad face.) and a $30 gift card to Potomac River Running store! Woop woop! Oh hey running gloves... could've used ya on Saturday, but now you're FREE and alllll mine.

For reals though, I couldn't feel my legs during the race. And the course was super hilly. Confession: I actually had to walk for about 30 seconds after a hill that was particularly brutal. So, I could've done better, but I'm still happy.

Christmas shopping in Leesburg. Church. Hanukkuh Brunch. Whole Foods/Trader Joe's/Costco. And now I'm watching Christmas movies on Lifetime Movie Network. Does life get any better than this? No, friends, it doesn't.

Life is good. So very, very good. Especially when I have this blasting constantly:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Whoopsie Daisies

I probably should blog more often. But I just don't care enough to. Or I'm too busy. You choose.

This week I was super busy. Work, running, work, yoga, work, winning at life.

I got some good ju ju goin' on right now. I found $8 on the ground the other day. Score! Then my co-worker Jessica took me with her to this industry networking happy hour thingy. Guess who won the raffle? THIS GIRL.

And now guess who is going to Reno/Tahoe to stay in a luxury hotel for 4 nights, a $150 credit to Charlie Palmer Steakhouse, and 2 (romantic... wink!) 50 minute massages?

ME. And my bestie. It's a girlmance. You wouldn't understand.

Then my team won trivia the other night! 3 free appetizers! 2nd place got a space heater... I think we were jipped.

That's some good ju ju right there. I intend on riding this gravy train all the way to 7-Eleven to buy some scratch off tickets. What WHAT!

I ran this weekend in Richmond. Confession: I chickened out of the Marathon (whomp whomp whooooomp). So I did the half. Results. It felt great! Only minimal hip pain, which is good. I finished better than what I wanted to going into the race, but was not tired or out of breath at the end. Which means I could've run it faster. Oh well. I listened to my body, and she said "Next time we will OWN!"

Too bad next time is in 2 weeks. Yeah, Outback Classic, I'm looking at you. Running with a friend-- who apparently is LAZY and won't get off his couch to train!

Signed up for another 5k. Santa Shuffle. Aiming for under 22 minutes. I can do it.

Home in 10 days for Thanksgiving. See you soon Jville. And family. And EMILY. YAY!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy Autumn.

I went for a walk this morning. And this is what I saw.
It's officially Autumn. It's cold outside. The leaves are changing. Who knew? Leaves can change colors, people.

I like you Arlington. I may keep you for a while.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dear Metro,

Work out your kinks.

This guy nailed it. I like(d) the Metro. Until I had somewhere to be this morning. Apparently, so did 300,000 other people.

The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear? MADE ME INSANE.

My goal for the day was to get to the Convention Center in the District and back in time to watch the UF-UGA game at 3:30. (First time I've missed this game in like 6 years.) Sad face.

Anyway, I make my way to the Metro at 10. I had to load my Smartrip, while 100 people were buying 1 day passes. With pennies. BECAUSE IT TOOK FOREVER. Do me a favor people, use plastic. Ain't that hard. Then I make my way to the overcrowded platform. Seriously-- you couldn't move. At all.

Theeeeeen, I watched 3 trains packed to the gills with all these emo liberal hipsters carrying signs (ok, some were funny. I.E. "Stop filibusting my balls!"). I vetoed this decision. Maybe it will be less crowded after the Rally starts (at noon). So I walk home, run errands, eat lunch, and venture to the Metro again.


(And this was after 2 trains)
Somehow I managed to get on a train, where a very large black girl refused to hold on to anything and fell into me multiple times. Rude. We were packed in there like sardines, but dear God, if she had fallen, I think I would've died.

I did it. I made it to the Convention Center, got my race packet, scored some schwag, and got outta there. Made it back to my apartment for the 2nd Gator possession. And now we're winning. Yayyyyyyyyyy! Wish I were at Pour House though. Next week-- GAME ON boys.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thoughts of the day...

1. Murphy's Law? Sucks. Only because it's true. Seriously, I sign up for the marathon-- something on my list-of-things-to-do-before-I-die, and run the next day and my hip hurts. Granted, I've always had a little tweak in my right hip. (I think my legs are uneven. Yeah, that's how bizarre I am.) But seriously? WHY NOW? 3 weeks. I have 3 weeks to get this taken care of. I AM NOT BACKING OUT OF THIS MARATHON. No way, no how. Now, should I post a pic of hot dogs on my hip? Eh, not as funny as hot dogs on my foot.

Isn't my nail polish pretty? Essie's Swing Velvet.
Wait, wait, let me explain. I was babysitting, you see? And the top of my foot is bruised (shoe laces were too tight for 10.4 miles. Whoopsie daisies!) and I needed to ice it. But they didn't have an ice maker. Or an ice pack. Or frozen peas. However, they did have frozen frankfurters. Yeah, that JUST happened. Don't worry-- it's Kosher.

2. Happy Belated Birthday Mary Buck-Buck! I'm sorry I missed your 2nd bday party. I also apologize for refusing to pay $20 to ship your birthday presy. I'll bring it home for Thanksgiving and you can unwrap it then. But really, do you need another presy on your birthday? It's so much more fun to celebrate it a month later. So, I'm doing you a favor. You're welcome. Your Aunt DayDay loves you very much.

You are 2! And the cutest EVER!
3. It was 40 degrees this morning for my run. I was embarrassed to show up at Iwo Jima for DCRR's SLR in a *Cotton* long sleeved shirt (that was, of course, over like 6 other layers... what? I was cold.) Mockery ensued. Sorry I come from Florida where the sun is always bright and there is no need for heavy running gear. Yes, I realize I don't live there anymore (Yay!) but I've already spent enough money on sweaters and tights and such for work. Don't worry-- I will blog my 'First Day of my Big Girl Job" Outfit. And probably all my outfits for the week. I'm gonna look sooooooo CUTE!

4. I'm glad Florida isn't playing today. I need a break from my Saturday disappointments.

5. Explored Old Town yesterday during the day. I met Kirby there earlier this week for some din-din when he was in town doing some big, burly, hardcore Marine stuff. Tres lovely. Reminds me a lot of Avondale. Except like 100x bigger.

6. Went to a DC UNF Alumni event this week. That was fun! I'm looking forward to doing more stuff with them. Perhaps a kickball team? Yeah yeah!

7. Fun tonight with Audrey and Jo in Dupont. Church tomorrow. And laundry. And grocery shopping. And being a big girl-- which, I might add, I'm pretty darn good at.

Time for frozen peas on my hip. Hmm... peas sound good for dinner.

When it hurts to run...

If this doesn't move you to at least get off the couch, then you have no soul.

In 3 weeks, I'll be able to call myself a Marathoner. Whoa.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Whoa. I'm going to run a marathon. And not just any marathon.


Oh yeah? Really? We'll see about that. Bring on your happiness, Richmond. I'm ready.

Thursday, October 14, 2010



I got a job! I got a job! I got a job! (Picture me giddily jumping up and down-- it took MUCH effort not to do it whilst speaking with the VP as he was offering me the position!)


First things first-- Book flight home for T-giving. Now that I can afford to! (That's $350)

Then sign up for the Richmond Marathon. Now that I can afford to! (That's $100)

OUCH. Bye bye monies.

1 month and 1 day in DC and I get myself a job. BOO YAH! Eat that, Recession!

The position, Administrative Associate, is with SEPA (Solar Electric Power Association). A non-profit focusing on research and education in solar energy. So, it's an up and coming market and the organization has been growing exponentially and will continue to as the market develops. My bennies and salary are great! I get a gym membership! Why is this the most exciting thing to me? Because I'm terrified to run in snow--when that comes. And it will.

Oh, good things. I am very very very blessed.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's talk...

about how awesome I am.

What? Too much? Too braggy? Tough, I'm proud of myself. And once again, my blog, my rules.

So, Saturday. I ran 21 miles. 21. That's 10 + 10 + 1. (In case you were wondering how that all adds up.) My pace? Around 8:45 min miles. Do you know what that means?! If I ran 8:25 min miles for 26.2 miles... I COULD QUALIFY FOR THE BOSTON MARATHON. Wicked awesome (what? It's a Boston thing-- you wouldn't understand).

Tricky part? I haven't actually signed up for a marathon yet. Yes, my heart is pretty set on Barcelona next March. But without a job, ahem, and some income, cough cough... it would be next to impossible. The Marine Corps is sold out, and has been for months. Plus, I'm already signed up to do the MCM 10k that day. (Don't think I won't make it to Barcelona-- oh, that WILL happen. Also contemplating a trip to Ireland... duh, Dublin Marathon).

Guess what? The Richmond Marathon is open, and in a month, and isn't too far away from DC. PERRRRRFECT. I'm a cashew, let's do this. Psyched. Now, it is my first marathon and while I would LOVE to qualify for Boston, I think that's a pretty lofty goal. I have been running a lot, but not necessarily training. So, goal? Under 4 hours. Pretty sure I could do it. Nope, I AM GOING TO DO IT. How's that for some positive energy?

Wow, I'm excited.

Also, be expecting a blog update to tell the world how I am employed. This week is the week. I can feel it in my bones. Go me!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Love Letters.

1. Dear Emily,
Happy Quarter Century Birthday. It's been 6 years since we've celebrated this day together, and that makes me sad. I'm just thankful I can still celebrate October 1, 'cuz we still friends gurl. You are my BFFFE, and will be for life. Sorry, you're stuck with me. Act accordingly. Happy Birthday.

2. Dear Almond Milk (vanilla--unsweetened),
I like you. You are delicious. And less sugary, which coincidentally, I also enjoy. Sorry, Vanilla Soy Milk, you've been replaced.
All my love,

3. Dear weather,
I'm not too happy with this deluge. I only ran 25 miles last week, a drastic drop compared to 45 the week before. This rain is putting a serious damper on my pursuit of happiness. Dislike. Clean yourself up and release the sun as your hostage. K, thanks.
No love,

4. Dear Today Show,
I don't care about the ending of the Cathy comic strip. I say, good riddance. She was TOO dramatic, even for my taste. And that's saying something.
I still love you,

5. Dear Jobs I've applied to,
Feel free to hire me at any point. I'm ready, let's do this.
I could love you,

6. Dear Americans in Europe,
(In response to recent travel advisories) Be smart. Be safe. Come home in one piece.

UPDATE: Just got another interview. Boom. Pray tomorrow (Tuesday at 4pm). SEPA (Solar Electric Power Association).
5*. Dear Jobs I've applied to,
Thanks for responding so quickly to my last letter.
Still think I could love you,

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thoughts of the day...

1. First, I think/hope the interview went well. I mean, besides the fact that I was sweatin' like a whore in church and stumbled through some questions. Forget my nervous laughter and lame attempt at making anyone laugh. Oh geez... hot.mess. I met the VP of HR and then my potential supervisor. For about an hour. And they asked for a writing sample, good sign? I think so. We will see. Oh, we will see.

2. These stinking hills are hurtin'. My shins huuuuurt. I mean, I enjoy the challenge and admire the scenery, but shoot, why? WHY? Why when I run to Georgetown (which is becoming a 2-3x/week route) I must go down and then come back up on my way home, when I'm hot and a little tired and thirsty. Yeah, thirsty. The only thing I can find to complain about living in DC right now is: NO public water fountains. What the what?! Rude.

3. The Post Office is hell on earth. Even the little neighborhood one I visited this morning. The website said "open at 8:30." LIES. It opened at 9. So I sat in the parking lot, hungry, groggy (hadn't had my morning coffee, even though I'd been up since 7:00), and now perturbed. Then when it opens the guy behind me is Mr. Obnoxious. Is it necessary for you to hum loudly? And tap your fingers against your cardboard box you're probably sending to your equally obnoxious prep school nephew? Oh, happy birthday nephew-- I'm sure you'll enjoy your new coffee mug and I heart DC t-shirt.

4. Nilla Wafers. Nabisco must put crack in those delicious little treats. Will not be purchasing them again. Would eat entire box in a sitting. And then I would be as big as a house and probably sweat MORE in interviews. Gross.
TMI? Tough. My blog, my rules.

5. Busy weekend ahead. I'm always busy. And I like it. You want some of this? You better speak up fast. Tots McGoats.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Big girl panties.

Ah! Interview today.... Getting nerrrrrrvous. Getting exciiiiiiiited.

You can put the girl in a black suit, but you can't take the personality out of the girl. I will WOW them. Bring it on, BoardSource. I'm POSITIVE I would be awesome at this job. Totally qualified and I have the spunk to back it up.

I like people. People like me. Let's work together and make some magic happen. (I like magic too.)

BIG PRAYERS at 4:30 today. Until then, I must run (get out the nervous energy--plus I do it everyday), find low(er) heels, and not throw up. I think the last one is absolutely necessary.

I love this city more and more each day.

Weekend recap: Friday, ran 6.6. Ventured to Potomac Mills and did some shopping. Bought a suit (my first!) and cuteness. Ikea too! Whoop! Saturday I missed the DCRR SLR b/c of street shutdowns (Stupid Clarendon Day), so I ran 12 by myself, up around Georgetown. Beautimus. Went on a day date. Watched the Gator game. Sunday: Churched it up. Gave blood. (Buh-looooood, Noooot funnnnyyyyyy). Good news--my iron is up! Hey iron supplements, way to do your job! Had tapas with Jo and Audrey--LOVE them-- at Jaleo. Nummy num nums.

Life is good. Life is busy, but SO SO good. Walking in blessing, and I love that.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Thoughts of the day...

Monday, September 20.
Day 6 in D.C.

1. It's amazing to be somewhere and in such a short amount of time feel completely at home. I'm gathering my bearings fairly easily. I can maneuver the area without anxiety, not that I have any anyway (except for the big issue of J-O-B).

2. I think I need to start carrying tissues/chapstick on my runs now. 8 miles today. 4 to Georgetown, 4 back. GLORIOUS. I love running fast past all those yuppies... And window shopping.

3. This weather is so so so great. Cool, but not cold. Warm, but not hot. And humidity? Not really! Ah, my hurrrrr hasn't looked better in a while.

4. DCRR is great. Meet some cute, nice girls! Yay new friends! Edith's show was wonderful. The space was so fitting, exposed brick walls, old wood floors, exposed air ducts. Very cool and eclectic. The Falls Church is great. Again, met new friends! Can't wait to get more involved in everything.

5. The job hunt is going well. Everyone I talk to is very encouraging and helpful. Lurv it.

Love this. Love D.C. So grateful and thankful for all that has been given to me.

"Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" -Luke 6:38

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So I copied and pasted an e-mail. Call me lazy. Or genius.


Alright, here we go.

Left Jville at like 11:30 on Monday. 1-95 was a boring bummer. And another disappointment? Water for Elephants on CD. Woof. It was this old slurring drunk man who narrated it. I honestly couldn't even listen to the first chapter. Bust. But I listened to this other novel, Karen Kingsbury something-something. It was ok, not mind blowing, but it passed the time. I arrived in Raleigh about 6:45. Pretty easy to get to! And beautiful! And cool outside! So nice to feel cool air again. Monny took me to this cute Mexican restaurant, Cantina 18 in Cameron Village. Nummy num nums. Then we went back to her place and watched the Bachelor Pad. Best show ever? Doubtful.

Left Raleigh around 9. Got to my place in Arlington about 2ish. Met Edith, who is super great. She's 65 and upbeat and especially cheerful considering her husband just passed away. I think she's glad to have someone around. She left to run errands and I unpacked everything. Surprisingly, it all fits! I mean, my room is definitely small. Smaller than Ben's. Like dorm sized with a queen bed. But my closet is adequate. And I have drawers. It's perfect for right now. I couldn't be happier. I wanted to go run at Iwo Jima with DCRR (DC Road Runners) at 7 that night, but I didn't finish unpacking until 6:20 plus I didn't know how to get there. Should I drive? Could I run there? Should I bike? So I left it and Edith cooked a pizza and put together a veggie plate with green beans and blue cheese, and roasted peppers, eggplant, etc. We sat outside in the backyard where she has a tented patio set up and ate and chatted. Lover-ly. Oh man, best part? She split this AWESOME dessert thingy she picked up from Costco. It's an ice cream bar dipped in chocolate and then dipped in almonds. Mind.Blowingly.Delicious. You can pick them up at the front, like with the churros and pizza slices as big as your head. Two thumbs up. And if I had more thumbs, they would be up too. Then I went to my room and made some phone calls (ahem, Mom and Dad) and applied to some jobs.

Woke up at 7:30 on Weds (yesterday), fixed some b-fast, made some nummy coffee in my super cool new coffee maker. Looked for some jobs. Tried to get oriented with the 'hood on googlemaps. Went for a run to Iwo Jima, which was fabulous. The run, the view, the neighborhood. EVERYTHING. Can you tell I am in hog heaven? LOVE this place. Best life decision ever! The memorial is only 3.3 miles from my place and is so easy to get to, plus I'm going straight through Ballston/Clarendon and checking out everything. I passed a Container Store, and Crate and Barrel, and Whole Foods and all sorts of fun stuff. Not that I will be purchasing anything from any of those lovely establishments anytime soon. Came home, showered, went and got a library card and explored that. Note: The Arlington Library has e-books you can rent. And if you're not a resident, you can pay for a membership for a set fee and rent them. Handy for those that are overseas (ahem, Kirbside). And cheaper than Kindle/Nook/what-have-you. Then Edith took me to (cue Hallelujah Chorus? No? Too over the top?) Trader Joe's. Loves it. Got some essentials... bananas, applesauce and peas (comfort food, just in cases. But obvi, I don't need any comforting!), frozen veggies, pita, tomatoes, rice, beans. Nope, no peach salsa. Not this go-around. Edith introduced me to TJ's Powerberries. Oh man, they are good! (She is SO bad for making me eat all this stuff!) The centers are juices from cranberries, acai, pomegranate, and blueberry and covered in dark chocolate. Whoa. Hey, new special treat. Went home, unpacked that and put on a cute black Target dress and silver TB flats to meet my friend Diana at the Verizon Center downtown. Yes, I navigated the Metro just fine. Child's play really. MB could do it in her sleep. (Miss you Mary Buck-Buck!)

She took me to this Launch Party for an "interesting" non-profit, Dog Meets World. It was started in Jville and her mom was involved in that launch, so she felt obligated to attend. And I'm up for anything, so whatevs! It was on the rooftop of the Newseum residences on Pennsylvania Ave with this ah-mazing view. Really, really cool. (Pics are up on FB) Good food, good people, good times. Then we went to a YNPN DC Networking gathering and I met a ton of youngsters with lots of information for me. But I got some more contacts and job leads that I'm going to follow up on today. Diana, her friend Sonya, and I went toNando's for some din-din, which was yummy and inexpensive (YAY!).

I love love love it here. Really, could not be happier.

Today's plan: Run (I'm thinking I'm going to check out Falls Church today. Find The Falls Church, so I know where I'm going on Sunday), and shoot out a bunch of e-mails. Wish me luck!

Love to all!

Me and Diana. And view. Oh hey, Capitol.
Old Post Office+Sunset=This.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Let's be honest, shall we?

It's D-Day.

Today is the day.

See ya Jacksonville. It's been real. It's been fun. But it hasn't been real fun.

(Yeah, I'm taking it back old school-- middle school yearbook signing old school)

I'm excited. Thrilled. Exhilarated. And terrified all rolled into one.

Time to be a big girl. Let's do this world.

Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts.

What, then shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thoughts of the day...

And what a day it was!

1. I like Target. It's so clean and sparkly and they have cute clothes... on the cheapsies. Which is wonderful because I will soon be paying rent (yikes!) and can't afford my J.Crew/Anthropologie/Random boutique purchases.

So cute, I know. And inexpensive! And business-y! Oh joy of joys. I'm going to be a big girl with a big girl job. Can't wear t-shirts and running shorts to work anymore. (Yay! No more little kid messes!)

2. Where do kids pick up things? Like being so brand conscious? The 10 yr old, O., is obsessed with Under Armor, Nike, etc etc. I bought some new running shoes and switched brands (gasp!) and he's all like "Why? Why?" Well, because these new shoes are fitted to my feet better than my old ones... and I'm tired of getting blood blisters and wrapping my feet in duct tape before runs.

This is what I used to have to do. First layer is mole skin, then athletic wrap, then duct tape. Ridiculous, I know. So, I have new shoes. I'm a Saucony girl now. Sorry Mizunos... I still heart you.

3. Another things kids pick up: BAD words. The 4 yr old, W., dropped the F-bomb today. Really? REALLY? What do I do with that? I'm not his mom, I can't put hot sauce on his tongue or punish him really. I calmly asked him where he heard that. Do you know what he said??? "Oh, I just made it up in my head." Hmm..........

4. I'm exciiiiiiiiited about DC. YAY! I've found a church I want to try out, and a gym, and a running group, and applied to more jobs, and may have to babysit to supplement for a while. With everything that has come up recently, I feel more confident than ever that this is where I'm being led. Have faith, breathe deeply, and jump!

5. How am I going to get my bike up there?


6. I'm going to miss this.......

Monday, August 23, 2010


Am I really moving to DC like NEXT WEEK!?!?

Holy Moly! This might actually be happening!


(Can you feel the excitement? CAN YOU???)

Oh crap, I need a coffee maker... like PRONTO. Hmm... things to think about.... like flatware?! First things first... coffee maker.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

New words taught by KayKay

During our little Saturday night adventure, I decided to teach MB my fav abrev.... Tots. She wasn't having the "Tots McGoats" thing, so we gave up on that one.... for now.....


MB... You win. You have redeemed children everywhere by being the cutest thing in the whole world. Thanks for putting my faith back into (one day) having babies of my own.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Beach Day...

The day started off like any other... with crying. As soon as mommy leaves, they break down. It's only natural, I would cry too. Well, maybe not at 24, but if I were a small child, perhaps.

As promised, I took the kids to the beach. Worst decision ever? I'm still on the fence. I never realized how embarrassing kids can be when they misbehave. Truly, truly humiliating. I just want to scream "They're NOT my kids!"..."I'm just the nanny!"..."Look look, he just called me Kaylan-- obvi not Mommy.... BIG difference!"
W. found a cool seafan in the sleu, which he decided was much warmer than the ocean. He also loved fishing for "tadpoles." I tried to tell him they weren't actually tadpoles, and would not turn into frogs, but he disagreed. Ok. Fine. Agree to disagree, kid. Good luck in school.
Meltdown #1. G made a bad decision involving sand and her brother. This led to a time out, which led to more crying.
Meltdown #2. G next thought it would be nice to hit her brother. Nope, another bad choice. Time out! More crying. Yay! We're having FUN.
Meltdown #3. W pushed a little girl in the pool. Bad choice=time out=crying.
Why have kids? I've been thinking about this A LOT these past couple of weeks while sitting for these particular children. Sometimes they are absolute demons. But, it's sweet moments like this when I remember how rewarding this job can be.

For a little while, we were all happy.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oh, the things we do...

Ok, so nannying isn't half bad. Some days are better than others. But this is what I have decided: If (and at this rate-- it's a BIG if...) I have kids, I will be a stay at home momma. My children will be raised by ME, not anyone else thankyouverymuch. I've done some R&D over the many years I've been babysitting and have noticed that children that have a parent who is a stay-at-home mommy/daddy are much more well behaved. I refuse to produce brats and send them out into the world.

Typical Tuesday:

G playing in the fort we made. She likes the pillow floor.
W and G "hiding."
"I'm going to make a funny face."

I think he succeeded. It makes me laugh every time I look at it.

Today's adventure: Finding KayKay some new running shoes. NO MORE FRANKENFEET!

Thursday's adventure: Beach (I know, I'm crazy), and picking up KayKay's diploma (Squee!)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

This Morning's Thoughts

1. Vanilla extract is not good in your coffee. I thought it would be fun... it wasn't. Declared food misadventure.

2. My running hat smells bad. I can't wait for cooler weather. Cooler weather=less sweat=better smelling hat.

3. Hey, I put some new shoes on,
and suddenly everything is right,
I said, hey, I put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling,
it so inviting,
Oh, short on money,
but long on time,
slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,
and i'm running late,
and i don't need an excuse,
'cause i'm wearing my brand new shoes.

4. I'm excited to see old friends at James and MJ's party tonight! Squee!

5. I'm WAY excited about my new steal:

I'm thinking New Year's Eve? Perhaps before? Too bad I can't wear it to a wedding 'cuz I look good in white. Thanks Gilt!

6. My plan of 10 miles this morning and then beach is being thwarted by the rude weather. RUDE! 10 miles is happening... the beach, probably not. Sad face.

UPDATE: 11 miles. In 100 degrees. Needless to say, the hat smells baaaaaaaaaad.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Goodbye sunlight. Hello orange jumpsuits.

K: See you in prison. I'm gonna kill these kids.
E: Totally fine. I'll come visit and send you a shank in the mail.
K: I'm going out in a blaze of glory. Gimme some matches.
E: What you don't have a silver lighter with enamel flames on it?
K: Left it at home. Next to my bomb making kit.
E: Hate it when that happens.

Text convo in reference to my current time killing job... nannying 3 children. 10 yr old boy who thinks he knows everything, 4 yr old boy who... is... 4... 'nough said, and an 18 mo old girl. Rethinking this whole 'get married and have kids' trend I've been seeing lately.

Procreate? Me? Nah, I'm good. I think the world will thank me later.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Guess who's got two thumbs and just graduated MAGNA CUM LAUDE?!

THIS GIRL! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I realize I need to update the blog on my last week in Rome (and it was a doozy) and Tivoli, but I just want to scream it from the rooftops! YEAAAAAAA.

Now, off to apply for more jobs. In D.C.... also working on a post for that.

P.S. Totally squirted a tear when I saw my transcript. SO proud.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


A little late... I know. I'm back in Amurca. Not too thrilled either, but I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. (AKA working on losing my Italian food baby.) and finding a job... and returning to an unnatural shade of tan... and working on my photogs... and finals.

But, let's talk about Florence. Despite the horrific weather (it hailed... that hurts), Florence is pretty amazing. Shout out to Vivoli's riso gelato! YUM. And I had the BEST.MEAL.EVER at Za Za's. Osso Bucco Florentine. Yeah, this girl can eat (which is why I'm now paying for it by carrying a non-baby baby).
Florence has this fun little market with a ton of kiosk thingys selling pretty much everything under the sun. Lots of leather... and fake cashmere... and costume jewelry... and men running from the cops with their Frada and Flouis (ahem... FAKE + Prada = Frada. FAKE + Louis Vuitton = Flouis) Ah, good times.
Me, Josh and Tyler at the Uffizi. Yep, that's the Duomo in the background.
Ponte Vecchio... which has the most gaudy and overpriced gold jewelry ever. But it was still nice to look. And some things were really very pretty, but entirely too expensive.
The boys... minus James. Seriously, I think they were in hog heaven. 3 boys surrounded by beautiful, smart, lovely girls for a month? Yeah, they enjoyed it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Intrepid Trio

Meet Josh and Tyler... or Jobin the Bear (remember the honey incident from Venice?) and Tygre. I heart them. They can't get rid of me... I've followed them around since Day 1... and somehow they're not sick of me!
Bear and Tygre fight. Wait, stop, pose for picture. Ok, go.
I'm pretty sure that this trip would've been miserable without them. Did we just become best friends???
More pictures to come... me and my boys.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blogging is hard...

Why would I want to spend all my time on the computer when I have the most beautiful country in the world at my fingertips? Thus, excuse my lack of posts. Spent the weekend in Venice as the "intrepid trio" as Dr. Murphy likes to call us. There are no words... ok, some words... but words do not do Venice justice. It is hands down, absolutely, totally the most beautiful/wonderful/breathtaking place in the entire world (that I've seen so far). I understand I have a natural tendency to exaggerate, but really... it is incredible.
We spent three days wandering the city, "getting lost" and taking pictures... it was incredible.
I realize I overuse 'incredible,' 'beautiful' and other such words. Either I need to find some new adjectives soon or Italy needs to start sucking. Your choice.
Funny story. We decided to take some food for the road. Thought it would be frugal and smart. Tyler and Josh packed some Nutella, honey, and bread. I (of course) wanted apples and bananas, like a good girl. One problem. SOMEone (who shall remain nameless... not me!) didn't close the lid to the honey jar. Which then opened. Which then leaked. All. Over. Venice. This is the honey trail we left from the water taxi to our hotel. We found in on one of our adventures out. We left Venice just that much sweeter. :)

Our last night in Venice we sat out on the chairs in San Marco Square with our feet in the water (sometimes, if your lucky, high tide floods the square). We sat there and listened to the orchestra play, people watched, and threw snack mix at people making out. Best night ever? Definitely.
Have I mentioned how much I love them? A lot. A lot, a lot, a lot.

My love letter to Venice? Would be an epic.