Wednesday, April 28, 2010


It wasn't me!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't plaigerize! This I already knew... but still. I'm relieved of that extra compounded stress.

I'm just as happy as this guy....

(Some tribal figure I liked in the Metropolitan Museum of Art)

It feels appropriate... Tribal Arts... tribal figure... Yeah, it works.

Compiling Lists...

I've started gathering random objects of inspiration for my future, inevitable apartment. Ahhh, it feels good to say that. Yes, one day... someday... soon... I will be on my own again. I mean, I love my parents, but at 24... enough is enough. These are just a few little things I either love or am inspired by. Enjoy!

They're recycled glass. Cool, modern, and earth friendly. I imagine them on an iron and wood bookcase. I have something specific in mind, but can't find it right now. I'll fill yall in later.
Why, yes... this would be perfect in my living room with my new (soon to be) khaki loveseat and lime green sofa. And based on the price, it looks like momma needs to learn how to sew.
Hello? Who wouldn't want a pig shaped cutting board?! Tres cute.
This blue matches my monogrammed towels perfectly. Blue in a bathroom. How appropriate.
Everytime I see these, I die. To me, they symbolize my new life. Full of happy cups of coffee and tea. In beautiful, blue, flowery vessels.

Seriously... how cute are these? From the etsy shop prettydarncute. Check them out. She found them at an estate sale and then "beautified" the book ends. Another May project? I think YES.

This is just a taste of what I'm gathering. Highlights really... oh, but the cup... I heart the cup. I imagine there will be more lists posted soon as I find random objects of beauty (ROB, if you will). Based on this stuff... I'd say my style is modernly-classic-with-a-twist-of-country-chic. Oui? Non?

Thanks Dr. Heuer...

Yes, it's exam week. This semester is almost over. Thank the Lord! No, for real... Thank you! It has been one heck of an emotional roller coaster from start to finish (January-April) for reasons other than studying. Plus my classes were mediocre. I never really got 'into' any of them, ya-know-what-I-mean? Let's recap, shall we?

Tribal Arts at MOCA
12-3 with Dr. Heuer

Yoga 8-8:50 (Kistel)
Late American Literature 9:25-10:40 (Dr. Welling)
Romanesque Art and Architecture 10:50-12:05 (Dr. Brown)
Religion in America 3:05-4:20 (Dr. Ingersoll)

Yes, I get 1 hour credit for that yoga class. And yes, I mastered the head stand. I'm such a good yogi. Plus, I'm getting 3 hour credits for the internship I had at R. Roberts Gallery last semester. So, 16 hrs in total.

But, I digress. I had an exam yesterday in Tribal Arts (possibly the only art I am definitely not interested in, except Native American art... I do like that). Dr. Heuer is a ball buster, and I love her. For that, and she wears J.Crew. She really is the reason why I want to go to graduate school. I love her style of teaching. She's very direct and helpful but still demands the best, which I appreciate. But yesterday, she was maaaaaaaad. And before the exam she unloaded... apparently 4 students plagiarized on the final paper. And will be not only failing the class, but possibly kicked out of school.

Of course, this sends me into an emotional tail spin. I'm already anxious enough about the exam. I need a solid 'A' to feel comfortable about this class and now I'm possibly kicked out of school? No bueno. I won't be able to go to Rome, or graduate, or get a big girl job, or move out of my parent's house. EVER. I'm stuck here. FOREVER.

This is a legit freak out. I take the exam, sweaty palms and all. Then drive to Momma who attempts to calm me down. Of course I didn't plagiarize... I used my own words... I worked hard on that paper. I nailed it. But still... I freak.

A 10 mile run helps. And while I'm still checking my e-mail every 10 seconds to see if Dr. Murphy (Department Head) wants to mysteriously set up a meeting... (Nope, we're still safe), I know everything will be okay.

So, to you, Dr. Heuer... Shame on you for raising my blood pressure!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shopping is my game...

Ah, one of my true loves in life... Shopping. I do my research mostly online and then head out to the shops! I've been on the hunt for a cute red skirt for a while now, thanks to the inspiration of InStyle magazine (March 2010).

I couldn't find it on the InStyle website, so I took the pic with my iPhone. I apologize for the lack of clarity. But, let's discuss how CUTE it is! And how great I would make it look! Then, let's discuss the price... really? REALLY Hugo Boss? Who died and made you so expensive? Geesh. Definitely not paying $300 for a cute skirt, doesn't matter how good I would make it look.

So, I've been on the hunt. And I love to hunt. I've scoured the Town Center, sent Lee and Suz to the outlets, climbed through the racks at Old Navy, Target, TJ's, etc. No such luck. Then, I found the beauty above. At $188 for a Marc by Marc Jacobs. Not bad. I'm getting closer to my price range. (Again, momma needs a steady income to be spending such cash or just a sugar daddy).

Eureka! In a stroke of genius, I check Don't judge... sometimes they have cute non-skank wear. Sometimes...

Yes, it's going to be cheaper material, not viscose like Hugo Boss or Rayon/Spandex blend like Marc-y-poo. But somethings I'm willing to sacrifice for price. A grand total of $19.80. Yes, I can budget that in.

I've already started planning outfits around it. I have an identical blue/white striped J.Crew oxford that would be adorable and chic. And a white poplin Theory top that would be cute tucked in. My yellow FS/NY flats would really set it off, or just my new BR wedges.

Cute, right? I know. Oh! Oh! And a cute yellow studded clutch! Ugh, so good. Can't you just see me traipsing through Rome in that? Buongiorno! Don't worry, I will update you on the cuteness that is this whole range of outfits.

Happy Shopping!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Look Ma! I can blanch!

I was in Costco (my love) the other day and spotted some yummy goat cheese... How could I resist? It sparked some ideas, mainly a desire to recreate this ahhhh-mazing salad I had at Medure's over Easter weekend (love you Stone family!). Argula with roasted beets, haricot verts, and goat cheese tossed in a light vinaigrette. A bold move on my part...

So, I improvised. I found some baby spinach and haricot verts at Costco. And bought some light balsamic vinaigrette and jarred (pre cooked and sliced) beets at Publix. Lazy, I know... but beets are stinkin' expensive and momma needs a steady income to be buying $5 worth of root vegetables! (Reason #652 why I can't wait to move: Trader Joe's).

I've never blanched. It's simple enough. Boil some water, throw some beans in, cook 1-2 minutes, fish 'em out and throw them in ice cold water.

Aren't they purty? All bright and crispy just chillin' in some ice water. Pun not intended.

And this is the finished product. A low-cal yet filling, fibrous meal. I mean, it doesn't hold a candle to Medure's, but hey, a girl can try. I think it was the beets. I'm such a cheapskate. Be prepared for more recipe triumphs and disasters to come. With no comparison to the AbFab Medure's, it was delicious. Victory is mine!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I heart MB.

Mary Bullock (before the run)

7.3 miles later....

She kept me company as we clipped through Ortega, going over BOTH the bridges... and let me tell you... that baby gets heavy when you push her up a steep incline. Best running buddy I've ever had.

Taking the day off... which I don't usually do. And I kind of hate it. But my legs feel a little like Jello. And not the good kind (basically any red color).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jacksonville Symphony 4 Mile Run

Alright, I am pretty excited about this. Sunday, I ran in my first race since the Outback Half Marathon last Thanksgiving. I thought it would be relatively small, which it was... around 600 runners. And it was a great course, going over the Acosta Bridge... twice... within the first 2 miles. Loved it! But it was also supporting a great cause, the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra. (Love me some arts).

Fun fact: I won my age group. Don't believe me?

I was elated! What a way to come back into running! It really has inspired me to pursue this whole Marato de Barcelona (the Barcelona Marathon, for those of you unable to translate simple Spanish) idea that I've built up in my head. Check it...

Yeah pink shirt, I beat you. You ran funny, you were basically asking for it.

So, I won a JSO CD, a coffee mug, and a plaque! Pretty cool, I think. I was a little disappointed in my time, mainly because when I finished I felt like I could do it all over again. But I think it's a great starting point since I just got back running like a month ago because of horrific shin splints brought on by over training after coming back from another ITBS flare up. I ran a similar course tonight much faster... like 3 minutes faster. I think I get scared to push myself too hard in a race... it's not cute to toss your cookies at the finish line. Trust me, I've done it.

Why do I run? Because I like cookies. A lot. In fact, I made some tonight after a grand total of 7 miles today.

Not going to lie... they're good. But not the best chocolate chip cookie I've ever had. I blame the recipe. Because I? Am a darn. good. baker.

Happy Running!

Penny for my Thoughts? More like a Dollar...

The Spring Semester is ending soon and I have been gathering "projects" for the month of May before I head to Roma! And as I am a genius, and have been attempting to keep a diary for who knows how long... I decided to blog it. I mean, I do have pretty awesome ideas... and I do cool things... might as well share it with the WHOLE world. You are welcome World.

May Projects (not in order of importance)...
-sign up for graduation in July (tiny squee!)
-practice some Italian ("Where can I find that beautiful leather purse/shoes/bag/belt?" "Gimme that gelato... Pronto" "Oh dear God, I can't fit in my pants", etc. etc.)
-recover the loveseat I found on the street... don't judge.
-refinish the china cabinet and side table
-look for jobs (ew!)
-look for a place to live (squee!)
-read. books.
-run. for my life.

That is all. For now.