Yes, it's exam week. This semester is almost over. Thank the Lord! No, for real... Thank you! It has been one heck of an emotional roller coaster from start to finish (January-April) for reasons other than studying. Plus my classes were mediocre. I never really got 'into' any of them, ya-know-what-I-mean? Let's recap, shall we?
12-3 with Dr. Heuer
Yoga 8-8:50 (Kistel)
Late American Literature 9:25-10:40 (Dr. Welling)
Romanesque Art and Architecture 10:50-12:05 (Dr. Brown)
Religion in America 3:05-4:20 (Dr. Ingersoll)
Yes, I get 1 hour credit for that yoga class. And yes, I mastered the head stand. I'm
such a good yogi. Plus, I'm getting 3 hour credits for the internship I had at
R. Roberts Gallery last semester. So, 16 hrs in total.
But, I digress. I had an exam yesterday in Tribal Arts (possibly the only art I am definitely not interested in, except Native American art... I do like that). Dr. Heuer is a ball buster, and I love her. For that, and she wears J.Crew. She really is the reason why I want to go to graduate school. I love her style of teaching. She's very direct and helpful but still demands the best, which I appreciate. But yesterday, she was maaaaaaaad. And before the exam she unloaded... apparently 4 students plagiarized on the final paper. And will be not only failing the class, but possibly kicked out of school.
Of course, this sends me into an emotional tail spin. I'm already anxious enough about the exam. I need a solid 'A' to feel comfortable about this class and now I'm possibly kicked out of school? No bueno. I won't be able to go to Rome, or graduate, or get a big girl job, or move out of my parent's house. EVER. I'm stuck here. FOREVER.
This is a legit freak out. I take the exam, sweaty palms and all. Then drive to Momma who attempts to calm me down. Of course I didn't plagiarize... I used my own words... I worked hard on that paper. I nailed it. But still... I freak.
A 10 mile run helps. And while I'm still checking my e-mail every 10 seconds to see if Dr. Murphy (Department Head) wants to mysteriously set up a meeting... (Nope, we're still safe), I know everything will be okay.
So, to you, Dr. Heuer... Shame on you for raising my blood pressure!