2. These stinking hills are hurtin'. My shins huuuuurt. I mean, I enjoy the challenge and admire the scenery, but shoot, why? WHY? Why when I run to Georgetown (which is becoming a 2-3x/week route) I must go down and then come back up on my way home, when I'm hot and a little tired and thirsty. Yeah, thirsty. The only thing I can find to complain about living in DC right now is: NO public water fountains. What the what?! Rude.
4. Nilla Wafers. Nabisco must put crack in those delicious little treats. Will not be purchasing them again. Would eat entire box in a sitting. And then I would be as big as a house and probably sweat MORE in interviews. Gross.
TMI? Tough. My blog, my rules.
5. Busy weekend ahead. I'm always busy. And I like it. You want some of this? You better speak up fast. Tots McGoats.