Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Tuesday night is cute-guy-at-gym-night. And I'm all like:

"Oh haaaaaaaay, boyfraaaaaaaaaaand."

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Goals for 2011.

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." -Albert Einstein

That Bert... smart guy. Someone should give him a prize or recognition. Bake him a cake or somesing.

I decided that 2011, my 25th year of life, will be the BEST one ever. I also decided that when I'm all old and wrinkly, that these are the days that I'll remember and cherish the most. So, let's make the most of it.


1. Run a marathon. Sub-goal: Run a marathon under 4 hours.

2. Run 2000 miles. That's like 38.5 miles/week. Child's play.

3. Start a career, not just a job. Find something I love, like working with Cause and make it happen.

4. Save some money for a trip-- funds for Dublin Marathon? Barcelona Marathon 2012?

5. Strengthen relationships with those I care about-- family, friends, most especially God. Yeah, the Big Man.

6. Be a mentor. Volunteer more. Work with a youth group. Become more involved in The Falls Church. (Whoa, that's more like 4 goals. Whatevs, my blog, my rules.)

7. Run a sub 21 minute 5k. Current PR: 22:20.

See? It's good to have goals. Potential goal #8: Own an alligator purse? I think yes. Best goal ever. (However, may conflict with goal #4.)

Thursday, December 16, 2010



All questions on my mind right now as I prepare to go from work to gym. Per usual. Except today, YES TODAY, it snowed 3 inches.

Taking off my cute riding boots so I don't bust and look foolish. So, I'll just look like a dork instead. Actually, I think I'll risk it. Update later.

And while we're on my thoughts of the moment: Yes, nose whistles are sexy. I've been doing it allllllll day and I just.can't.keep.the.boys.AWAY.

Toot toot!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Toot! Toot!

Blogging is hard.

But life is good, so very, very good.

Since my last post, I have done quite a bit. I wish I could remember all of it. Oh wells.

I went home for Thanksgiving, which was by far the best Wedekind holiday ever. Thanksgiving is so great-- good food, good company, good weather, and all without the added pressure of hunting for the best presents for everyone.

I ran the Outback Half again this year with Jeremy. No IT Band issues... and I was the one pulling him through the course. Until the last .1 miles, where he kicked it into overdrive and sped off. Whatevs, you can have that win Kirch.

Don't lie, you love my shirt. And my ripped quads-- HEY-OH!

I came in around 1:54, I think. Which is fine, I just run that race for funsies. Plus it allows me to stuff my face with turkey and sweet potatoes. Nummy num nums!

It was a BLAST playing with Mary Buck Buck all weekend. She is the coolest baby EVER. Don't even try to argue with me on this, I will fight you. (And you will lose. The picture does not do my guns justice.)

I flew back to Reagan at 6AM and made it to work before 9. Then, after work, I babysat until midnight. After being awake since 4AM, I was dead. (Does it make sense that my voice is missing? I've been looking for it everywhere. She's gone.)

The week went by slowly. Woke up early on Saturday and drove to Rockville, MD for the Santa Shuffle 5k.

Yeah, it was a cool long sleeved tech shirt, which may have inspired me to drive so far out of the city to run a 5k. I love me some long sleeved tees.

I'm a rock star. Not only did I PR, but also in 30 degree weather in shorts and without gloves and a voice! I won my age group (my last race as a 20-24... sad face.) and a $30 gift card to Potomac River Running store! Woop woop! Oh hey running gloves... could've used ya on Saturday, but now you're FREE and alllll mine.

For reals though, I couldn't feel my legs during the race. And the course was super hilly. Confession: I actually had to walk for about 30 seconds after a hill that was particularly brutal. So, I could've done better, but I'm still happy.

Christmas shopping in Leesburg. Church. Hanukkuh Brunch. Whole Foods/Trader Joe's/Costco. And now I'm watching Christmas movies on Lifetime Movie Network. Does life get any better than this? No, friends, it doesn't.

Life is good. So very, very good. Especially when I have this blasting constantly: