Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Don't be fooled by the pictures.

Dear Naples,
You are gross. Please bathe.

Naples in one word? Disgusting. Great life experience? Absolutely. Now, I'm not quite a certified world traveler (getting there though), but this place is nar-sty. The pictures really don't do it justice. I'm just an optimist and took shots of beautiful things. Actually, when we had our tour of Old Naples, it was quite beautiful and amazing (you just have to look past the graffiti EVERYWHERE, smelly people, sketchy people, beggars, mangey dogs running around all feral-like... oh I could go on). Some girls saw a woman get mugged in front of our hotel one day... in the middle of the day! She was holding cash in her hand... come on, use some common sense. Naples is the armpit of Italy.

Pompeii and Herculaneum? Beautiful. Absolutely, totally cool.

I really liked Pompeii and think if you get the chance, you should go. Check out the FB page to see more shots. These are just a couple of tasty licks.
Museum fatigue has set in. A serious illness brought on once entering a museum. Symptoms include boredom, apathy, and whining. Dr. Brown insists it's a real condition. No matter how energetic you are before going to a museum, once you set foot inside you instantly become tired. And then upon leaving, energy levels rise. A scientific conundrum.
(Actually, the Archaeological Museum was pretty interesting. Go if you ever make it to Naples... even just to escape the streets.)

All is well in Italy! It's so good to be back in Rome, feels like home. I may never leave. Just sayin'.


  1. So Naples can be likened to the Mayport area?

  2. Haha, ABSOLUTELY. Except maybe dirtier... and without the Sun Cruise Casino, which is always a trashy good time.

  3. Get with the times, Kay. Sun Cruise peaced out like two years ago, much to Lee's dismay.

    I like the last picture best. I have no idea what it is, but it's cool looking.
