Friday, April 8, 2011

Cherry Blossom 10-Miler

I don't feel so good. I'm sitting here, at work (yes, I can blog from work.) (More like, shhhh. Don't tell.) clinging to my Kleenex with a kung fu grip.

You can have this box of tissues when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. Ya filthy animal.


God bless you, Billy.

Anywho, let's do a race recap, shall we?

The Cherry Blossom 10-miler, April 3, 2011.

Whoa, what an awesome race. I ventured into DC on Saturday for packet pick up at the National Building Museum. The line (at 11:30am) wrapped around the building... and this ain't no shack. It's the NATIONAL BUILDING museum.... of course it's going to be big. So, I waited. And waited. And made friends with the runners around me. And waited some more.

Finally, I got my number and t-shirt. I was seated in the "Red Wave," which was the second to launch, I think. Plus, I purchased this puppy. Win! (Bigger win if it had been a real puppy...)

Hi, my name is Kaylan and I'm a pinkaholic.

Sunday, I got to the Metro at 7, missed the train. Whoops. So, it being the weekend and all, I had to wait 15 minutes for the next train. Whoops. Got off at the Smithsonian and booked it to the starting line were I finagled through a gate to the Red Wave. I literally waited about 2 minutes before the gun went off. Me thinks I could've had better timing. Especially since I needed to use the little lady's room. Holding it for 10 miles made me run faster? I don't want to experiment with that again. Pass.

The race itself was crazy. The first 5 miles were crazy obnoxious-- so crowded I felt like I was running with my elbows up. Definitely running on the offense, zig zagging my way through narrow spaces (aka large, sweaty men in spandex... WOOF). My mantra during this? "Goonies never say die." Weird, I know. But it worked. It's the little things in life I find most amusing.

The last 5 were crazy MARVE. Around the tidal basin to Hains Point, down trails lined with blooming Cherry trees. Ugh, I felt so lucky to be running. It didn't hurt that my pace had quickened and the route had gotten significantly less crowded. I love when running makes me smile.


Not a picture I took, but it illustrates what I saw well. I was pretty focused on balancing my pace and not barfing. But I managed to look around every once in a while.

I wasn't able to track my pace per mile, my first mile being 8:24 (aka, my angry face was on), but I did clock my last mile, 7:13 (aka, happy dance time!). I managed to do negative splits for a ten-miler? Whammy. My chip time was 1:15.54, with an average pace at 7:35.

At first I was completely devastated. I should've run harder, faster. I should've gotten there earlier and seated myself at the front of the wave, maybe it would've been less crowded. I should've knocked people down. Yeah, I'm looking at you, father of 2 pushing a twin stroller. Babies or no babies, I WANT MY TIME.

And then I saw my race photos. And I laughed. Loudly.

Remember the part where I said I was trying to balance my pace with not tossing my cookies? Yeah. It was true. There's the proof. Side note: Remind me next time I'm having my picture taken to brush the rat's nest on top of my head. Woof.

The more I think about it, the less disappointed I feel in my time. I showed up (1 point), I ran (1 point), and I finished (1 point). Bonus points go to:

1. NOT barfing

2. PR'ing-- but only because I've never raced that distance before.

3. Negative splits

Me thinks I'm more of a middle distance runner than anything. And I cannot wait to race again. I heart running. SMILES.

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