Friday, August 20, 2010

Beach Day...

The day started off like any other... with crying. As soon as mommy leaves, they break down. It's only natural, I would cry too. Well, maybe not at 24, but if I were a small child, perhaps.

As promised, I took the kids to the beach. Worst decision ever? I'm still on the fence. I never realized how embarrassing kids can be when they misbehave. Truly, truly humiliating. I just want to scream "They're NOT my kids!"..."I'm just the nanny!"..."Look look, he just called me Kaylan-- obvi not Mommy.... BIG difference!"
W. found a cool seafan in the sleu, which he decided was much warmer than the ocean. He also loved fishing for "tadpoles." I tried to tell him they weren't actually tadpoles, and would not turn into frogs, but he disagreed. Ok. Fine. Agree to disagree, kid. Good luck in school.
Meltdown #1. G made a bad decision involving sand and her brother. This led to a time out, which led to more crying.
Meltdown #2. G next thought it would be nice to hit her brother. Nope, another bad choice. Time out! More crying. Yay! We're having FUN.
Meltdown #3. W pushed a little girl in the pool. Bad choice=time out=crying.
Why have kids? I've been thinking about this A LOT these past couple of weeks while sitting for these particular children. Sometimes they are absolute demons. But, it's sweet moments like this when I remember how rewarding this job can be.

For a little while, we were all happy.

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