Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thoughts of the day...

And what a day it was!

1. I like Target. It's so clean and sparkly and they have cute clothes... on the cheapsies. Which is wonderful because I will soon be paying rent (yikes!) and can't afford my J.Crew/Anthropologie/Random boutique purchases.

So cute, I know. And inexpensive! And business-y! Oh joy of joys. I'm going to be a big girl with a big girl job. Can't wear t-shirts and running shorts to work anymore. (Yay! No more little kid messes!)

2. Where do kids pick up things? Like being so brand conscious? The 10 yr old, O., is obsessed with Under Armor, Nike, etc etc. I bought some new running shoes and switched brands (gasp!) and he's all like "Why? Why?" Well, because these new shoes are fitted to my feet better than my old ones... and I'm tired of getting blood blisters and wrapping my feet in duct tape before runs.

This is what I used to have to do. First layer is mole skin, then athletic wrap, then duct tape. Ridiculous, I know. So, I have new shoes. I'm a Saucony girl now. Sorry Mizunos... I still heart you.

3. Another things kids pick up: BAD words. The 4 yr old, W., dropped the F-bomb today. Really? REALLY? What do I do with that? I'm not his mom, I can't put hot sauce on his tongue or punish him really. I calmly asked him where he heard that. Do you know what he said??? "Oh, I just made it up in my head." Hmm..........

4. I'm exciiiiiiiiited about DC. YAY! I've found a church I want to try out, and a gym, and a running group, and applied to more jobs, and may have to babysit to supplement for a while. With everything that has come up recently, I feel more confident than ever that this is where I'm being led. Have faith, breathe deeply, and jump!

5. How am I going to get my bike up there?

6. I'm going to miss this.......

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